Plug&Play QR ANPR RFID Access Control


Manage temporary and regular vehicles and pedestrians, with or without payment, offering more features and options than Scan&Go BASIC.

Master ANPR cameras
ANPR combined with a redundant ticket
Smartphone scanners
Integrated RFID reading technology
Integrated VOIP intercom
Remote control via the cloud


Locally intelligent scanners, ticket printers, and a validator.

Pre-configurable controllers with an integrated database.

Multi-access, multi-site, shared parking lots, and buildings.

No local server, database, or software required. Just a browser.

Designed for an indirect sales model.

Scan&Go PRO ACCESSComponents

Scan&Go PRO ACCESS In Action

FromAccess Control To Revenue Control

If you not only want to prevent unauthorized parking but also want to monetize the use of your parking area or building, explore our product range Scan&Go REVENUE.

Off-street, staffed, and unmanned solutions.

Coins, bills, and/or bank cards, smartphone.

International transaction platform.